Monday, December 2, 2013

Update| Beauty Blender

   I was just washing my Beauty Blender (like I do everyday) and a chunk of the bottom ripped off. I wasn't doing anything out of the usual- I'm not rough when I wash it either.

    I did notice something weird about it though. There was a little spot at the bottom that felt a little bit hard. So I figured it was foundation that had accumulated over time.. And I was right. The area was so fragile that when I started rubbing it, it just tore. So now I'm missing a fairly large piece.

   Not going to lie, I'm pretty ticked about it. I washed it everyday to avoid having build up but I guess it was unavoidable. I have had it since late September, so I guess two months is a fairly good life span for a sponge. Maybe if I decide to repurchase, I'll buy the cleanser that is made specifically for the BB.

Here's the damage:

This picture doesn't do it justice! I basically can't use the bottom part anymore.
 I'll just use the rest of it though!

I've been reading other reviews and such, and basically, if you use the BB consistently, it should last you three months. So keep that in mind if you plan on buying it!

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