Wednesday, October 9, 2013

How Can an Index Card Change Your Makeup?

     I've picked up these tricks from a few people on YouTube and also because of my lack of desire to spend money any tools that can be substituted with a cheaper (but equally effective) alternative.

I bring to you, an index card's secret talents.

1. Have you ever applied mascara to your lashes but it gets all over your lid? Take your index card and place it as close as you can to your top lash line. Apply your mascara per usual! It will feel awkward at first, but it will save your  eyeshadow from getting ruined and lots of time since you won't have to clean it up!

2. For a more defined, dramatic contour, place your index card directly below the hollows of your cheeks. Apply your favorite powder, cream or liquid contour as you usually would. When you remove the index card, you can see that the contour your left with is very defined and sharp. You can choose to keep it this way (if you're going out for the night or just really enjoy a dramatic contour) or you can lightly blend the edge with a clean brush.

3. If you experience fallout when using certain eye shadows, use the index card much like you would in tip 1. Except place it as close as you can to your lower lash line! Yes, it will feel somewhat awkward, but it really does catch a lot of fallout that normally would have landed on your cheek bones and stick to your foundation and concealer. 

4. If you have trouble creating a perfectly winged eyeliner with liquid, gel or even powder, take your index card and place it in the outer corner of your eye, (keep it as flush to the skin as possible) at the angle you want you wing to be. Apply your liner as usual! You will be left with a sharp wing. It also helps in getting your eyeliner more similar on each eye.

P.S. For tips 1 & 2, you can use a regular piece of paper, a business card you don't care about or even a gift card that can't be used anymore. Index cards are my preference because they're stiffer than regular paper and cleaner than business cards and gift cards!

For tip 3, a plain ol' tissue can also be used! I alternate between the two, they are both equally effective.

For tip 4, I find that the index card works especially well when using powder but can sometimes be tricky with gel or liquid. Try substituting regular scotch tape or the sticky side of a post-it note if the index card is giving you trouble!

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