Friday, December 6, 2013


How can I subscribe to your blog?   

   There is an area you can enter your e-mail on the right side of the blog. It looks like this:
Enter your e-mail into the box and press submit. You will then be taken to a screen similar to this:

Enter the security code on your screen and press the "Complete Subscription Request" button. You'll receive a confirmation e-mail. Follow the link and you'll get an e-mail every time I add new content!

How can I post a comment?  

   If you are signed into your Google+ account, you can just scroll to the bottom, type in your comment and press publish. If you aren't signed in, click on the drop box,  scroll to the bottom and select "Anonymous".
 Type in your comment and press publish. You will then be taken to a screen similar to this. This is just to ensure my readers and myself are free of having to read spam comments! Just enter the code that appears on your screen and press publish!

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