Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pictorial| Everyday Eyebrow Routine

This is just a step-by-step demo on how I do my eyebrows on days where I'm not wearing much eye makeup. I fill them in because I want them to look more cleaned up not and as thin as they are naturally! 

Step 1: I brush through my brows with a spoolie brush to make sure there is 
no foundation on them and to put any stray hairs back into place.

 Step 2: I take a little bit of the tinted product I'm using for that day 
(here I'm using the ELF Eyebrow Kit in Medium) on an angled
brush and fill in the outer half of my brow starting at
the arch. I then take whatever is left on the brush and draw 
a line underneath the inner half.

 Step 3: I use the same angled brush and lightly feather the line 
upwards. As you can see, the harsh line isn't there anymore!
I do this without adding anymore product onto the brush
because I like the inner part  to be lightest.

 Step 4: I dip my brush in the product one more time,
but I barely pick any up. With very light pressure, I draw
a line from the innermost part of the brow to the arch 
and feather it in to meet up with the lower line.

Step 5: I then take a creamy concealer that is lighter than my skin tone 
(Sonia Kashuk's Hidden Agenda Concealer Palette) and put it
 all around the outside of my eyebrows. This is great if you haven't
had a chance to tweeze a few hairs that are growing 
back in because it helps disguise them!

 Step 6: I blend out the concealer. Sometimes I use my finger 
and sometimes I use a fluffy brush. It might be hard to tell from
this picture but the concealer adds a really subtle highlight 
and really cleans up the edges. 
 After this last step, I will sometimes set everything with a clear brow gel. 
I use ELF's clear Brow & Lash Mascara. If you don't have access
to brow gel, you can spray some hairspray on a brow comb 
or spoolie and set them into place like that!

Before & After:

What are your favorite eyebrow products or techniques?


  1. Was watching "Bethany" yesterday and she had a guy who is an eyebrow "expert". He explained how to create the right shape for your brow ....where it should begin, arch and end. Too detailed for me to explain here, but it was quite interesting. Asia, your brow shape indicates you know the rules! My brow I grow older, I'm getting grey hair in my eye brows. I don't pluck them out because I want to keep every eyebrow I have since they naturally get thinner with age. Sigh! So, I use an eyebrow pencil and gel in a color that matches my non-grey brows and cover the grey ones. I love grey hair - but ON MY HEAD, not elsewhere. LOL Love you, GMA

    1. LOL! Yeah, it's taken me quite a while to figure out what my eyebrows should look like.. You have the old pictures- you can see the struggles lol. Have you tried maybe having your brows professionally tinted? That would help with the grays and possibly keep you from having to fill them in.
