Saturday, January 11, 2014

How to Fix a Broken Eye Shadow!

Things you will need:
  • A broken eye shadow (obviously)
  • Several clean cotton swabs
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • A tissue and one clean quarter (optional)

Here is the eye shadow that I used for this post! 
It wasn't broken, so I gouged a hole out with a cotton swab! Lol.

 STEP 1: Take a cotton swab and begin to crush up the entire eye shadow.

 When you're done, it should look a little something like this.

STEP 2: Take your Isopropyl alcohol and pour some into the eye shadow. I obviously poured way too much. So pour a little bit at a time to prevent making a mess! Then, mix everything together with another cotton swab until the shadow becomes a thick paste.

 STEP 4: With a clean finger, press the eye shadow paste back into the pan. If the paste is too runny, allow it to dry for a little while. (I used a clean quarter wrapped in a tissue to press the eye shadow paste down. Usually quarters are a great size for this. Just make sure they're completely clean and for extra precaution wrap them in a clean tissue!)

STEP 5: Clean up the edges and allow the eye shadow to dry overnight! 

I have found that the quality of the eye shadow doesn't change after I use this technique. 
The only thing that changes is the way the eyeshadow looks in the pan.

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